Wednesday, December 25, 2019

John Proctor In Arthur Millerrs Classic Novel - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1529 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/05/23 Category Literature Essay Level High school Topics: The Crucible Essay Did you like this example? People make mistakes but it does not matter how big or small it is it just takes the right mindset to redeem or forgive yourself. In Arthur Millerrs classic novel, The Crucible John Proctor is the perfect example of this he has definitely made a lot questionable decisions. The book is set in the late 1600rs and in an old village surrounded by indian tribes. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "John Proctor In Arthur Millerrs Classic Novel" essay for you Create order A young girl by the name of Abigail has falsely accused many people of witchcraft. She also is not the only one she has a whole group of young girls that follow everything she does, even the community members start to accuse their neighbors and friends or even their enemies. John realizes he is a good man when he reflects on all his sacrifices he has done for his family, friends, and himself. John has to be able to overcome everything he has done and try to forgive himself. One of the many ways John Proctor is a good man is how he ends up forgiving himself for all the wrong he has done. John would do anything to make sure he still has a good name and that even means ending his affair with Abby. When John and Abby have a private talk John says, No, no, Abby. Thatrs done with (Miller 21). John finally decides to end his affair with Abby. When this happens Abby decides to go and accuse Elizabeth of witchcraft in an attempt to get rid of her and have John for herself. Even though John ends the affair it does not just end there he ends up going to court to publicly admit it. When he gets to the court John is accused of lying and he ends up saying to the court a man will not cast away his good name. You surely know that (Miller 102). He says that why would any man lie and jeopardize his good name, no man would throw away his good name over a lie so why would I lie about the affair. As expert Ditsky notes, John Proctor moves towards his own moral freedom (Ditsky) he has finally come to realize that he is a good man. Finally John decides that he will not tant his name and h e decides to be hanged instead of signing away his name. John said not enough to weave a banner with, but white enough to keep it from such dogs (Miller 133). John decided that he is already a good man and does not have to confess to anything and rather be hanged then walk around with a tainted name. He finally forgives himself and believes what he is doing is the right thing. John has redeems himself from the weakness of his only-human clutching after life of moments earlier (Ditsky) he has finally redeemed himself and believes he is a good man. John has done alot for himself that has made him a good man. Those are just a few of the many reason why John is a good man and can be used as proof. John does not just do stuff for him he ends up helping his friends out with a lot. John will do whatever it takes to help his friends out and he clearly shows it. John show us just how much he cares for his friends and that he will do literally anything to help them out. After John went to court to help his wife he ended up not leaving and said this to the court These are my friends. Their wives are also accused (Miller 86). John is willing to stay in court and fight for his friends and their wives even though his wifers life has been saved and he could have just walked away. John did not want to just leave when he knew his friends and their wives needed help. John also tells the court that he got 91 signatures and the people signing it declare their good opinion of rebecca, and my wife, and martha corey (86). John makes a document for people to sign if they believe if those who were accused were falsely accused and should be freed and he brings it in front of the court so they could see how many people actually think the accusers are lying. John did it because he knows the truth and he wants more people to figure it out and to help those wh o are falsely accused to be freed and returned back to their families. Everyone was scared of what would happen or if they would be accused or if someone close would. Its true when they say that fear does not travel well; just as it can warp judgment, its absence can diminish memorys truth (Miller), meaning fear can corrupt anyone and it did so and it ended up costing Johns friends wives to be evicted and he stayed to help free them. When John decides to confess and is asked if he has seen anyone with the devil he says no. John says they think they go as saints. I like not to spoil their names (Miller 130). He does not want to accuse his friends because it shows his weakness and that he will take the easy way out of a situation so he decides to not give names and stay true to himself and his friends. John will not accuse anyone else but himself he will never give up an innocent persons name. That shows how much John cares about his friends and that he is willing to do absolutely anything to help them and make sure they are ok. It also shows that john will put his friends needs before his own even if it means risking his life. John does not just do anything for his friends he also will do anything to help out his family. John will put his family over himself just like he does for his friends. John Proctor makes it very clear how much he cares for his family and that he will do absolutely anything to make sure they have what they need. When John was questioned about why he would not show up for church he said he was working on the family farm and my wife were sick this winter (61). Proctor skipped out on church to help his wife get better and make sure she was going to be okay. He also skipped out on church to work on his family farm which will go to his children so he is making sure that it is well. John decides to confess to witchcraft even though it would be a lie but he does it to be with his family. Elizabeth and him were having a private conversation and he told her I have been thinking i would confess to them, Elizabeth (125). During a private conversation John told her he wanted to confess so he could be with his family again and build his boys to be good men in the world. He wanted to make surer his boys would grow up and become proper men and keep the farm workin g and keep passing it down to their children. John does not want to give his name to the judges to put on the church. So when Proctor takes the confession the judges ask why are you doing. John says Because it is my name!(133). Proctor is more concerned about his sons and how they will live/be treated in the world based on his behavior than worried about his own life. He does not want his family to be threatened or judged because of his wrong doings so he rips the confession in front of the judges and Elizabeth. As critic Budick say Proctor has identified saintedness with external goodness, a good name. Proctor has a good name and his family will not have to face any repercussions for his actions. They also will not have to get judged or have a harder time later in life when his kids grow up and become men. John shows us how much his family means to him and that he will do anything to help them. He also shows us that he will even take his life to make them have an easier road to go through life and that he puts them first no matter what. John realizes he is a good man when he reflects on all his sacrifices he has done for his family, friends, and himself. John proves through those three points that he is willing to do anything for himself his friends and family. He will put everything else first if its for a good cause like when he tries to free his wife and his friends wives. If anyone can take anything from Johnrs experiences itrs that anyone can redeem or forgive themselves. Also anyone can still have a good name if they do not always do the right thing but if they fix it and try to make it better. In life everyone has that one friend that is loyal to them and will help them out when they need it or they are that to someone else.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Great Depression Essay examples - 1427 Words

The Great Depression was a difficult time for all the American people. It was a time of unemployment, falling wages, and hope for recovery (â€Å"Chapter 27†). Some of the causes of the Great Depression were government policies, economic factors, and the gold standard (â€Å"Chapter 27†). Other reasons included the fall of the stock market, overseas investments, and the investments in Florida real estate (Farless). The president at the time of this difficult time was President Herbert Hoover. When the Great Depression started, Herbert Hoover took matters into his own hands. President Herbert Hoover came up with multiple recovery attempts. Some of the recovery attempts President Herbert Hoover took were increasing credit,†¦show more content†¦Some of the farmers harassed bank agents who were sent to foreclose their homes. Another thing that the farmers in the Farm Holiday Association did was dump their farming goods (Farless). Another protest that emerged was the Veterans’ Bonus Army. â€Å"The Veterans’ Bonus Army clash in 1932 proved to be the most damaging for Hoover† (Farless). The Veterans’ Bonus Army consisted of 15,000 World War I veterans who traveled to Washington D.C. to demand their early payment of their 1945 planned bonus (Farless). President Herbert Hoover believed that they were anarchists, so he called in troops to break up the army (Farless). This incident was captured on film and it changed President Herbert Hoover’s popularity for the worst (Farless). After the decrease of President Herbert Hoover’s popularity, someone else became th e public’s favorite – Franklin D. Roosevelt. Franklin D. Roosevelt came from a wealthy family and was a distant cousin of Teddy Roosevelt (Farless). Many of the American voters had confidence in Franklin D. Roosevelt (â€Å"Chapter 28†). Franklin D. Roosevelt told the American people that he would make a new deal for them (â€Å"Chapter 28†). He also promised relief for the unemployment and that he would address the problems of businesses (Farless). Although he seemed like a man that made his own decisions, Franklin D. Roosevelt reliedShow MoreRelatedThe Depression Of The Great Depression1223 Words   |  5 Pagesfar-reaching consequences as the Great Depression. This experience was the most extended and severe depression of the Western world. It was an economic downturn that began in 1929 and lasted until 1939. A large amount of America’s labor force lost their jobs and suffered during this crisis. During the nation’s financial disaster, Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president a nd made extensive changes to America’s political structure. The effects of the Great Depression had lasting consequences that areRead MoreThe Depression Of The Great Depression1232 Words   |  5 Pagespeople think that the stock crash was to blame for the Great Depression but that is not correct. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Employee Burnout Employee to Employee

Question: Describe about the Employee Burnout for Employee to Employee. Answer: Employee Burnout Burnout is a situation that many employees experience during their work life, and the rate varies from employee to employee. It is a feeling of being low and un-psyched and it results from a number of reasons. This essay will focus on burnout in employees in their workplaces, and the effects it has on their wellbeing. As explained by Lambert, et al, (2010) burnout as mostly described is a perception that has three aspects: emotional exhaustion, lack of empathy/depersonalization, and lack of accomplishments or a reduction of them at work place. Whatever the industry that an employee is based, the exhaustion can be experienced, and the consequences are negative, and thus it should be checked for regularly and avoided. An employee works under a contract of employment, whether written or oral, and has rights and duties. Thus, an employee reports to and is supervised by a higher power. The relationship between the two parties is crucial when it comes to employee burnout. Personal matters of the employee might also play a role in an employees fatigue. The connection, like passion and know-how that a worker has with the work they do can determine their level of exhaustion in the work (Alarcon, Eschleman and Bowling 2009). Many factors can come to play when delving into the issue of employee fatigue, and this paper will look into them. The Three Syndromes Of Staff Burnout These syndromes are one, emotional exhaustion; it is a keystone of staff burnout, and it implies energy discharge of emotional resources. Two, depersonalization and it refers to people behaving impersonally i.e. with an attitude that is indifferent. Three, reduced personal accomplishment whereby the workers tend to devalue their work leading to a negative self-assessment (Piko, 2006). These three aspects have causes, and some of them are as discussed below. Causes Of Work Burnout Acording to Dunford (2012), work burnout is an aftermath of perceived imbalance between the jobs demands and the resources (emotional and material) available to an employee. Unusually high demands in a workplace make it increasingly impossible for employees to cope with the stress associated with those working conditions. The daily transactions that stem from the deliberating physical and emotional overload that arises from stress on the job are a cause of the worker exhaustion. Work burnout is a phenomenon and occupational hazard induced by distress (Balch, Freischlag and Shanafelt, 2009). The burnout is categorized by one, some level of emotional and physical exhaustion. Two is, socially dysfunctional behavior and in particular an insulation and distancing from fellow workmates. Three is psychological impairment, and it includes strong and negative feelings towards oneself. Four is organizational inefficiency, and it is through poor morale and decreased output. The following is a list of the main causes of burnout as noted by most research findings: Inability to control ones destiny When an organization experiences growth, it becomes impersonal and the frequency at which employees are involved in decision making reduces. For example, a simple task that a worker is supposed to do can get delayed due to administrative policies, legal dictates, and lack of funds that come with the growth. When employees participate in decision making, it promotes greater motivation and positive job attitudes which in turn it boosts effective performance (Khazaei, Khazaee and Sharifzadeh, 2006). The employees can thus feel as if they are being used as objects of labor rather than the human resource that benefit the employer. Lack of occupational communication and feedback Employees desire to know the expectations of their employers, and their work targets. It is important for the workers understand what behaviors will be successful in satisfying job requirements. Also, to know the jobs security, as well as the psychological dangers that might exist. Feedback is also important as it helps develop aspirations, job values, accomplishments, and objectives. Clear, consistent information can go a long way in avoiding job distress. Management should not react to open communication only on a crisis basis as it fortifies negative communication. Contact overload When an employee is required to make frequent encounters with other people, so as to carry out a certain job function, such undesired encounters result to contact overload. Workers who spend much time of their work interacting with people are vulnerable to unpleasant encounters that are distressful (Khazaei, 2006). That is because the people they get to interact with might be in various states of distress themselves and that negatively affects the employee. A high rate of contact overload affects a workers job satisfaction and control over their work. It also leads to little energy for communication and support from other employees and hence it becomes difficult to seek professional and personal growth opportunities. Overwork or underwork Recent findings by Ilies, Dimotakis, and De Pater (2010) have shown a strong correlation between excessive workloads and high levels of stress in employees, and this leads to burn out. Too many responsibilities, unpredictable or long hours, working at too rapid pace, too many interactions, supervising too many people, and unrealistic deadlines are but some characteristics of work overload. Some jobs are also boring and tedious while others do not have a variety, and such can also lead to distress. It is, thus, good for an employer to look at the conditions under which the employees are working, and try preventing burnout as much as possible. Role conflict/doubt Although the conflict and doubt can occur separately, they both indicate the uncertainty about what ones role is in the work place. Role conflict can be explained as the concurrent occurrence of two or more opposing pressures such that responding to one of them makes complying with the other impossible (Mauno, Kinnunen and Ruokolainen, 2007). Most often, role conflicts comprise of, one, those between organizational expectations and worker abilities. Two is the conflict between the values of an individual and those of an organization. Three is the conflict between the workers personal life and the demands of the work place. Numerous studies have associated role conflict to frustration, low job satisfaction, decreased trust and respect, morale problems, low or lack of confidence in the organization, and high levels of stress. Role ambiguity refers to a situation whereby a worker lacks clarity about the job. It thus refers to an inconsistency between what information is available and the one that is required for successful work performance (Khazaei, 2006). Depending on the nature of ones work, the rate of correlation to job dissatisfaction as a result of role conflict and role ambiguity can vary. Personal factors These are individual factors such as marital matters, financial stability; as well as the aspects of ones personality as over shyness, neuroticism, poor stress management skills, and being inflexible (Moreno-Jimnez,, 2009). All these factors contribute to how a workers experiences in their job affect them. The accumulation of occupational and personal stressors is a certain contributor to job burnout. To avoid such occurrences, the management should use quality mechanisms to gauge the level of energy in the employees. The employer should also ensure that energy is continually boosted. Deficits in training Job training is important as it prepares the employee on what to expect and how to handle it accordingly (Ng'Eno, 2007). It is thus important to have several different areas of job training to prevent occupational distress. The initial preparation should always be adequate if the employee is to venture into a job with confidence. Training and competencies bolster confidence and also allows an employee to go through each day without unnecessarily depending upon reference materials and on other. Ahola, (2006) recommend that as technology advances, it is necessary to also conduct on-the-job training and not to expect the workers to figure it out themselves as that might only frustrate them. New workers are the most susceptible to the various forms of distress, and that is why it is important also to train in communication skills. The skills are critical as they facilitate an employees ability to relate successfully with fellow workers, supervisors, and other work recipients. Most jobs are lost because of improper/poor communication as compared to any other factor. Stress is almost unavoidable for employees in most cases, and it is hence good that employees learn to cope with the different kinds of stressors faced each day. Secondary factors Other factors that aggravate stress are such as lifestyle changes, lack of job security, poor working conditions. Also, a society that changes rapidly forcing individuals to make unanticipated adjustments in their work and way of life is a basis of job burnout. Poor pay is also another factor that leads to work burnout. Employers should always ensure that the employees are well compensated for their services. Consequences Of Burnout For Employee Wellà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Being An employer owes a duty of care when it comes to the well-being and stress management of the employees. Worker wellbeing is however beyond the employers duty of care meaning that the employee as well has a role to play. The implications that wellbeing has on the quality of life is broad- how we choose to live, from a fulfillment and philosophical point of view, and even how long we live (Schaufeli, Taris and Van Rhenen 2008). It also has implications on whether we enjoy happiness and health or whether we suffer anxiety or illness. Every person in a workplace thus has a duty to nurture and safeguard their wellbeing, especially where there is one available to help. An organization highly depends on its worker's wellbeing because it is a major factor in performance, quality, and productivity and thus business profit and effectiveness (Shirom, 2010). When an employees wellbeing reduces, his or her performance and effectiveness typically does so as well. Whenever staff wellbeing is undermined, across a team or entire organization, many primary organizational factors are negatively impacted. Some the consequences on well-being that arise from employee burnout are as follows: one, Reduced productivity Burnout affects the good state of a worker which in turn affects his or her productivity. Productivity is the amount of work an employee can do under normal circumstances. When their wellbeing is altered by stress and frustration, and they are not able to overcome it, it directly affects their output. That is because their willingness to work is altered and without desire, people underwork. Increased mistakes and errors Burnout affects the wellness of an employee to the point that when they keep making mistakes in their work. The reason being that their concentration is not in the work they are doing rather it is in the cause of their stress which is the source of the frustration. Burnout affects the mental capability of a person, and that leads them to continually make mistakes (Halbesleben, 2010). With the proper mental connection to the work a staff member is doing, making mistakes in the work they do is highly unlikely. Sickness and absenteeism When an employees wellbeing is affected, it can be all round. In most cases burnout is witnessed physically, mentally, and psychologically (Rssler, 2012). An employee who goes through physical burnout lacks in physical strength and wit. A recent research (Schaufeli, Bakker and Van Rhenen, 2009) showed that many cases have been reported of diseases such as high blood pressure, disabilities and so on resulting from excessive work activates. Such illness may lead to absenteeism and even wok turnover which is not good for the business. Conflict with employees Whether one is a supervisor or a subordinate staff when their wellbeing is affected they are likely to get into conflicts with other employees. Burn out has a tendency to make an employee feel inferior to others (Kuoppala, et al., 2008). This feeling of inferiority makes them develop defense mechanisms that only lead to more harm as an employee tends to get into more quarrels while defending his or her undesired behavior or actions. When a work place has a large number of such employees experiencing burnout, chaos are inevitable. Poor employer reputation among customers, staff, and potential new recruits When employees wellbeing is poor, their first target when they throw stones is the employer. That is because the workers often blame the employer for their burnout, especially when the staff is not involved in decision-making processes. Such employees, therefore, have the tendency of staining the employers reputation to get the others acquire their viewpoints. It is hence important for an employer to be careful in observing the behaviors of all the workers and deal with burnout whenever it arises. Aside from all the consequences mentioned above, wellbeing at work has a close link to heath in general. Without health wellbeing, people become sick physically and mentally. The pressure at work that involves deadlines, task complexity, responsibilities, supervision, challenge, relationships, etc., can all have serious effects on ones wellbeing (Yu Lin and Hsu, 2009). It is paramount that employees recognize and deal with the risks involved. Meyer and Maltin (2010) have in their study explained that if the culture of a workplace encourages much competition and challenge among staff and managers, there can be an acceptance and a tolerance of stress. At times there is a feeling of pride in being able to handle the most stress, where pressure is taken to be motivational and thrilling. In such a situation, it is good to draw a line between healthy motivation and unhealthy stress to avoid burnout and lack of wellbeing. According to Skakon et. al (2010) it is becoming an increasingly important responsibility for the modern employer to be able to understand the risks to workers about stress and wellbeing. Combating Burnout Staff burnout is a huge problem not only to the employees but also to the employers business. Because of its complexity, researchers (Swider, and Zimmerman 2010) have suggested different approaches to solving this problem. Problem-focused coping is one such approach, and it is a way that involves altering the elements of the problem or changing the sources of the stressors. The approach is also referred to as active coping as it aims to directly manage the actual problem. The coping approach entails discussing issues with others, seeking advice, and putting increased emphasize on time management (Lambie, 2006). The second approach is referred to as emotional-focused coping; it does not focus on managing the emotional response to a problem, rather than solving the problem itself. This coping method has many components such as talking to therapists, avoidance of self-blame, reflection, and escapism. The third approach is called relationship-focused coping. It is an approach whose goal is managing, regulating and preserving relationships during stressful periods. Under the approach, the staff focuses on building and solidifying the relationship among them first due. Employees believe that healthy relationships reduce conflict, helps in understanding differing viewpoints, and solving problems (Lambie, 2006). The fourth approach is lifestyle-coping as many researchers have put emphasis on the relationship between lifestyles and burnout. A healthy lifestyle improves well-being, which results to the mitigation of burnout (Shanafelt and Dyrbye, 2012). The healthy lifestyles are such as exercise, diet, refreshing oneself, and relaxation using methods that would work on an individual basis. As an employer, engaging trainers of healthy lifestyles to train the employees is important (Williams, 2011). The knowledge will help them with their well-being, and positive energy will subsequently get felt in the work place. Conclusion And Summary Employee burnout is a serious thing that puts both the worker and the employee at a risk considering their goals and aim of entering into an employment contract. Whatever the industry an employee is based, their wellbeing should always become a forefront priority because the burnout that can be experienced lead to negative consequences. This essay has established that burnout is the exhaustion that has three syndromes: emotional exhaustion, lack of empathy/depersonalization, and lack of accomplishments or a reduction of them at the work place. It has also looked into the following causes of burnout: Inability to control ones destiny, lack of occupational communication and feedback, contact overload, overwork or underwork, role conflict/doubt, Deficits in training, personal factors, as well as other secondary factors. The paper has also covered the consequences of burnout for employee wellà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ being. It has covered the following consequences: reduced productivity, increased mistakes and errors, sickness and absenteeism, conflict with employees, and poor employer reputation among staff, customers, and potential new recruits. As discussed in the paper there are also ways of combating burnout that the employers can use to do away with burnout should an employee undergo the experience. Prevention is always better that cure and thus burnout should be prevented, and when it occurs detected and dealt with earlier. That way the adverse consequences it brings forth would not have to be experienced. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Ten thousand reasons Essays - , Term Papers

Ten thousand reasons The sun goes up it's a new day dawn, its time to sing you song again, Whatever may passed and whatever lies before me Let may be singing when the evening comes Bless the lord oh my soul oh my soul worship your holy name Sing like never before oh my soul worship your holy name You rich in love and your soul to anger, your name is great And your heart is kind, for all your goodness I will kept on singing, ten thousand reasons for my heart to find Bless the Lord oh my soul oh my soul worship your holy name Sing like never before oh my soul worship your holy name An on that day my strength is pain end draws near : and my time has come still my soul it sing you praise an ending ten thousand years an then forever bless the Lord oh my soul oh my soul worship your holy name sing like never before oh my soul worship your holy name program of service Prelide : I.Opening Prayer ; II. Acknowledgement bereaved family Gringio family Tampa family III. Opening song IV. Opening prayer : Ptr. Ramyl Fernandez IV. Worship song Three assign thanksgiving 2 minutes each V. Responsive reading Psalms; Special number VI. Message ; Ptr. Roni L. Susarno Worship song VII. Prayer for family VIII. Neology of family and friends / Reflection @ Parents of Hazel Joyce @ relatives ,Friends @ Sis. Grace Tampa @ Sis. Susan Fernandez IX. Closing song / Prayer Announcement by the family EMCEE: Ptr. Ramyl Fernandez What shall it profit of a man if he shall gain the whole world but you lost your whole soul in the place of suffering Piano/ organ learning Word of praising God in gospel music Learning ; Lesson Songs items Practice a-Excercises of hands b-Rigth hand do-re-me sofacilables ascending and descending @ Still c-Two hands ascending @ descending @ Wala kang katulad d-Three notes of chord and five finger exercise/ chromatic skills @ This is my desire e-familliarization of 7 basic chords @ You came from heaven to earth f-learner assignment 3o menutes practice @ Ten thousand reason of particular lessons twice a week @ Crocify g-Hannon one left hand ascending @ descending @ Love you so much h-Two hands ascending @ descending hannon one @ Power of your love I-Hannon two ascending @ descending @ Gaanu kita kamahal j-learnen share of food for the exposure event @ As the deer k-rhythm accompaniment @ Our father l-melodic accompaniment @ So close I believe m-line-up of four prepare songs for recital exposure @ Holy Holy n-exposure presentation and evaluation of mentor - @ My life with the musical group reflection @ Banal mong tahanan @ Come holy Spirit @ Come holy HIRAM SA DIOS STILL Hiram sa Dios ang aking buhay ikaw at ako tanging Handog lamang Hide me now under your wings Diko ninais na akoy isilang cover me within your mighty hand ngunit salamat dahil may buhay chorus; ligaya ko ng akoy isilang pagkat tao when the oceans rise and thunders roar ay may roong dangal sinong may pag ibig I will soar with you above the storm sinong nagmamahal kong di ang tao father you are king over the flood dios ang pinag Mulan kongdi ako I will be still know you our God umibig kongdi kuman bigyan halaga ang buhay kong handog ang buhay koy find rest my soul in Christ alone hiram sa adios, kong di ako nagmamahal know his power in quietness and trust sino ako, kongdi ako nag mamahal sino ako MY PEACE My peace I give unto you it's the peace that the world cannot give It's the peace that the world cannot- understand peace to know, peace to live my I peace I give unto you My love I give unto you it's the love that the world cannot give, It's the love that the world cannot- understand love to know love to live my love I give unto you My joy I give unto you it's the joy that the world cannot give it's the joy that the world cannot- understand, joy to know joy to live my joy I give unto you