Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Debate On Abortion And Abortion - 1490 Words

You hear of all these controversial issues floating around conversation. One that always catches my ear is the debate on abortion. Growing up in a republican household, and catholic for that matter, it was obvious that â€Å"pro-life† would be imprinted into my head. My whole family, not just my parents, are against abortion. Also going to church every Sunday and learning what my religion thought was right and wrong influenced me to believe that abortion was killing a life. Since I grew up with this influence I subconsciously thought that is what is right side of the argument to believe. I was always a strong believer in that an abortion was the killing of a human life and was morally wrong. All the way up until junior year in high school I actually considered myself an advocate of the term â€Å"pro-life.† As a growing teenager at the time I was looking for freedom. I couldn’t find it too much, but after taking numerous political classes I found myself in the mi ddle of the political spectrum. Not republican, similar to my family, but stuck between both parties. I found that with certain issues I was republican such as not wanting gun control and others I was democratic such as pro-choice. When it comes to the issue of pro-life or pro-choice I now find myself leaning the opposite direction of my previous beliefs. The reason I went from pro-life to pro-choice is because as I grew older I became more interested in politics and stared to look into highly debated issues. I know that IShow MoreRelatedThe Debate On Abortion And Abortion1063 Words   |  5 Pagesstand on abortion. By definition an abortion is the termination of a pregnancy and the expulsion of pregnancy tissue, including embryo, fetus, placenta, and membranes (Wicclair, Gosman 2005). In the recent years the debate on abortion has shifted to a different viewpoint that has reopened the conversation of abortion and has generated a healthy following for abortion control. The premise of abortion control is to implement community outreach programs that will help reduce the number of abortions. I feelRead MoreThe Debate On Abortion And Abortion1448 Words   |  6 PagesAbortion. This word leaves most people feeling uneasy after just saying it out loud. The discussion of abortion is continuously left open-ended with millions of opinions, arguments, and questions. Abortions occur every single day leaving potential fathers devastated or thrilled, leaving friends and families broken and distraught or in contrast, proud. More importantly, leaving the potential mother uncertain and even destroyed. But with abortion in mind, what is considered wrong and what is consideredRead MoreThe Debate Over Abortion On Abortion Essay1682 Words   |  7 Pagespolitical debate has existed in America, there has been a strong tension between the ideologies of conservatism and liberalism. While there are numerous differences between the two ideologies, the core of each is expressed cle arly through the modern debate of abortion. The vision, ideals, and assumptions of each ideology can be identified through the way in which each ideology argues its position on abortion. The debate over abortion has been taking place since the 19th century. Abortions were legalRead MoreThe Debate About Abortion And Abortion1709 Words   |  7 PagesThe practice of abortion is an issue that has sparked controversy for many years. One of the initial problems that lead to the debate about abortion is the fact that, the definition of the term abortion varies from one field to another. The controversy arises because the language used to describe abortion â€Å"is a reflection of the societal beliefs of the people in that area† (McFarlane Meier 65). Generally, the World Health Organization defines abortion as induced or spontaneous termination of pregnancyRead MoreThe Abortion Debate2354 Words   |  10 PagesAdedayo Adeniyi November 13, 2008 Expository writing An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death. An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can be induced. Abortion as a term most commonly refers to the induced abortion of a human pregnancy, while spontaneous abortions are usually termed miscarriages. Abortion has a long history and has been induced by various methodsRead MoreThe Debate Of Abortion And Abortion2390 Words   |  10 PagesThe subject of abortion is undeniably a difficult one to discuss. There are many different opinions and stances which could be taken, however, the question for Christians is just where they should stand on this matter. The issue is that if people (more specifically Christians) are not careful then they get caught up in the different stances, different questions, and different opinions. If this happens then they will not be able to make a firm standing against or fo r abortion while having facts toRead MoreThe Debate Over The Abortion Debate1097 Words   |  5 PagesIt is no surprise that the abortion debate has once again have brought into the mainstream focus this year. Yet, this time around the age old debate is now attacking organizations that offer such procedures, vilifying the entire organization for only one service it offers. This vilification has continuously gained momentum for ages, but it was the attack upon Planned Parenthood earlier this year that has brought the debate to head once again. Recently Pro-Life groups took up arms to destroy the organizationRead MoreAbortion : A Controversial Debate874 Words   |  4 PagesAbortion There truly is not a more controversial or passionate debate as the one on abortion. This issue is completely unique due to the firm line between groups that support or are against it. Whichever side a person finds themselves on, usually for many reasons, it becomes a fierce and firm position that will not waiver. In this case I am glad that people are so passionate, a human life is at stake. This subject should bring great feelings and beliefs up. I would be completely sickened if abortionRead MoreThe Abortion Debate Essay1544 Words   |  7 Pages No matter where you stand on the issue, abortion is a highly debated topic in today’s society. In this essay I will examine both sides of the abortion issue. I will begin with a brief overview of the abortion debate, to include the morality of the situation. Next I will discuss the Pro-Life argument. Lastly I will look at the Pro-Choice view. In the final analysis I will show how utilitarianism, altruism, and situational ethical views apply to abortion. Having in mind the extreme controversy surroundingRead MoreAbortion : A Controversial Debate888 Words   |  4 PagesAbortion is a highly debated and controversial topic within the United States. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. When you have an abortion, you decimate the life of a fetus in the womb prior to delivery. There were 5,013 abortions in the state of Oklahoma alone in 2013. In the same year, there were approximately, collectively in the United States, 983,000 total abortions performed. In addition, there have been almost 60 million abortions performed in the United States since

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